
Welcome to the SPLC’24 registration!


  • Each accepted submission to the main conference (research track, industry track, challenge solutions track, demonstrations and tool track, journal first track) must be connected with a regular registration (i.e., non-student) to the main conference (either “Main Conference Only” or “Full Conference”) by July 31, 2024 AoE (i.e., early registration deadline).
  • Each accepted submission to a pre-conference event (workshop, tutorial, doctoral symposium) must be connected with a regular registration (i.e., non-student) covering the pre-conference events (either “Pre-conference only (Onsite)” or “Full Conference”) by July 31, 2024 AoE (i.e., early registration deadline).
  • A single regular registration can cover multiple papers. For each additional paper, an “additional paper” fee must be paid (“additional paper at the main conference” or “additional paper at a pre-conference event”)



    • SPLC 2024 is an in-person event only.
  • Examples of possible registration schemes
    • Alice has one paper at the main conference. She can make a “Main Conference Only” or “Full Conference” registration
    • Bob has one paper at a pre-conference event. He can make a “Pre-conference only” or “Full Conference” registration
    • Yuki has one paper at a pre-conference event and one paper at the main conference. She can make a “Full Conference” registration
    • Taro has two papers at the main conference. He can make a “Main Conference Only” or “Full Conference” registration + one “additional paper at the main conference” fee
    • Susan has three papers at the main conference. She can make a “Main Conference Only” or “Full Conference” registration + two “additional paper at the main conference” fee
    • John has two papers at the main conference and one paper at a pre-conference event. He can make a “Full Conference” registration + one “additional paper at the main conference” fee




Note that SPLC ’24 is co-located with the ECSA ’24 conference. Registration to SPLC also grants access to the ECSA sessions that happen on the same days covered by the SPLC registration.

“Pre-conference only” registration provides

      • Access to all the events on Monday and Tuesday
      • Lunches and coffee breaks on Monday and Tuesday
      • Access to ECSA events on Monday and Tuesday

“Main conference only” registration provides

      • “Main conference only” registration provides
      • Access to all the events from Wednesday to Friday
      • Lunches and coffee breaks from Wednesday to Friday
      • Access to ECSA events from Wednesday to Friday
      • Reception on Wednesday
      • Gala dinner on Thursday

“Full conference” registration provides

      • Access to all the events from Monday to Friday
      • Lunches and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday
      • Access to ECSA events from Monday to Friday
      • Reception on Wednesday
      • Gala dinner on Thursday



    There are three different registration deadlines

    • before July 31, 2024 August 5th (AoE): Early registration deadline
    • before August 22, 2024 (AoE): Late registration

    In case of open questions regarding registration, please directly contact the registration chairs Magali Martin at with subject “[SPLC 2024] registration question”.


    Registration link 

    Please register via this form :



    If you need an invitation letter for visa purposes then please
    1. Register and pay
    2. Get confirmation of registration
    3. Request invitation letter:
    We will only process paid registrations