Main Conference Detailed Program

Main Conference Session Details


Wed. 11:00-12:30 — Variability Implementation I 

Session chair:  David Benavides


  • 11:00-11:20 — Give an Inch and Take a Mile? Effects of Adding Reliable Knowledge to Heuristic Feature Tracing (Sandra Greiner, Alexander Schultheiß, Paul Maximilian Bittner, Thomas Thüm and Timo Kehrer) — Research track paper
  • 11:20-11:40 — Optimization Space Learning: A Lightweight, Noniterative Technique for Compiler Autotuning (Tamim Burgstaller, Damian Garber, Viet-Man Le and Alexander Felfernig) — Research track paper
  • 11:40-11:55 — Comparing the intensity of variability changes in software product line evolution (Christian Kröher, Lea Gerling and Klaus Schmid) — Journal first paper
  • 11:55-12:10 — An IDE Plugin for Clone Management (Ahmad Al Shihabi, Jan Sollmann, Johan Martinson, Wardah Mahmood and Thorsten Berger) — Tool demonstration
  • 12:10-12:25 — Visualizing Variability Implemented with Object-Orientation and Code Clones: A Tale of Two Cities (Yann Brault, Philippe Collet and Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery) — Research track paper (short)

Wed. 14:00-15:30 — Application of SPLs I

Session chair: Rick Rabiser


  • 14:00-14:20 — Variability Management for Large Language Model Tasks: Practical Insights from an Industrial Application (Kentaro Yoshimura and Haruki Oishi) — Industry track paper
  • 14:20-14:40 — SensorPublisher: Applying Software Product Lines to the development of IoT dashboards (Alejandro Cortiñas, Victor Lamas and Miguel R. Luaces) — Industry track paper
  • 14:40-14:55 — Exploring the Use of Software Product Lines for the Combination of Machine Learning Models (Marcos Gomez-Vazquez and Jordi Cabot) — Tool demonstration
  • 14:55-15:15 — Leveraging Phylogenetics in Software Product Families: The Case of Latent Content Generation in Video Games (Jorge Chueca, Daniel Blasco, Carlos Cetina and Jaime Font) — Research track paper
  • 15:15-15:30 — Phylogenix: Bringing phylogenetics to Unity (Samuel Navarro, Antonio Iglesias, Francisca Pérez, Carlos Cetina and Jaime Font) — Tool demonstration

Wed. 16:00-17:15 — Application of SPLs II

Session chair: Sophie Fortz


  • 16:00-16:20 — Applying Software Product Line Techniques to an Integrated Circuit System Modelling Framework: An Experience Report (Mark Feichtinger and Ulrich Muehlmann) — Industry track paper
  • 16:20-16:40 — Modelling Engineering Processes in Natural Language: A Case Study (Philipp Kogler, Wei Chen, Andreas Falkner, Alois Haselböck and Stefan Wallner) — Industry track paper
  • 16:40-17:00 — Exploration of Failures in an sUAS Controller Software Product Line (Salil Purandare and Myra B. Cohen) — Research track paper
  • 17:00-17:15 — Variability modeling of products, processes, and resources in cyber–physical production systems engineering (Kristof Meixner, Kevin Feichtinger, Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Sandra Greiner, Hannes Marcher, Rick Rabiser and Stefan Biffl) — Journal first paper

Thu., 11:00-12:30 — Validation and Testing

Session chair: Gilles Perrouin


  • 11:00-11:20 — Feature-oriented Test Case Prioritization Strategies: An Evaluation for Highly Configurable Systems (Willian Douglas Ferrari Mendonça, Wesley K. G. Assunção and Silvia Vergilio) — Research track paper
  • 11:20-11:40 — Collecting Feature Models from the Literature: A Comprehensive Dataset for Benchmarking (Chico Sundermann, Vincenzo Francesco Brancaccio, Elias Kuiter, Sebastian Krieter, Tobias Heß and Thomas Thüm) — Research track paper
  • 11:40-11:55 — MulTi-Wise Sampling: Trading Uniform T-Wise Feature Interaction Coverage for Smaller Samples (Tobias Pett, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm and Ina Schaefer) — Research track paper (short)
  • 11:55-12:10 — RIFDiscoverer: A Tool for Finding Resource Interaction Failures (Euler Marinho, Izaias Machado Pessoa Neto, Fischer Ferreira, João P. Diniz and Eduardo Figueiredo) — Tool demonstration
  • 12:10-12:25 — Resource Interaction Failures in Mobile Applications: A Challenge for the Software Product Line Testing Community (Euler Marinho, Fischer Ferreira, Eduardo Fernandes, João Paulo Diniz, Eduardo Figueiredo) — Challenge track

Thu., 15:00-15:30 & 16:00-18:00 — Variability Analysis

Session chair: Philippe Collet


  • 15:05-15:25 — Mapping Cardinality-based Feature Models to Weighted Automata over Featured Multiset Semirings (Robert Müller, Mathis Weiß and Malte Lochau) — Research track paper
  • 16:00-16:20 — Pragmatic Random Sampling of the Linux Kernel: Enhancing the Randomness and Correctness of the conf Tool (David Fernandez-Amoros, Ruben Heradio, Jose-Miguel Horcas, Jose A. Galindo, David Benavides and Lidia Fuentes) — Research track paper
  • 16:20-16:40 — On the Use of Multi-valued Decision Diagrams to Count Valid Configurations of Feature Models (Andrea Bombarda and Angelo Gargantini) — Research track paper
  • 16:40-17:00 — Towards Deterministic Compilation of Binary Decision Diagrams From Feature Models (Tobias Heß, Sean Niklas Semmler, Chico Sundermann, Jacobo Torán and Thomas Thüm) — Research track paper
  • 17:00-17:15 — On the Benefits of Knowledge Compilation for Feature-Model Analyses (Chico Sundermann, Elias Kuiter, Tobias Heß, Heiko Raab, Sebastian Krieter and Thomas Thüm) — Journal first paper 
  • 17:15-17:30 — Configuring BDD Compilation Techniques for Feature Models (Clemens Dubslaff, Nils Husung, Nikolai Käfer) — Challenge solution

Fri., 11:00-12:30 — Variability Implementation II

Session chair: Ruben Heradio


  • 11:00-11:20 — Should I Bother? Fast Patch Filtering for Statically-Configured Software Variants (Tobias Landsberg, Christian Dietrich and Daniel Lohmann) — Research track paper
  • 11:20-11:40 — Not Quite There Yet: Remaining Challenges in Systems and Software Product Line Engineering as Perceived by Industry Practitioners (Martin Becker, Rick Rabiser and Goetz Botterweck) — Industry track paper
  • 11:40-11:55 — Identification of Variability Implementations in TypeScript: the 2Cities Visualization (Yann Brault, Philippe Collet and Anne-Marie Pinna-Dery) — Tool demonstration
  • 11:55-12:10 — Product lines of dataflows (Michael Lienhardt, Maurice ter Beek and Ferruccio Damiani) — Journal first paper
  • 12:10-12:25 — Development of a PLE Factory Environment with GitLab Integration and following ISO/IEC 26580 (Alejandro Buján Pampín, Alejandro Cortiñas and Miguel Rodríguez Luaces) — Tool demonstration

Fri., 14:00-14:35 — Applications of SPLs III

Session chair: Kevin Feichtinger


  • 14:00-14:20 — Tracing and Fixing Inconsistencies in Clone-and-Own Tabular Data Models (Nassim Bounouas, Mireille Blay-Fornarino and Philippe Collet) — Industry track paper
  • 14:20-14:35 — Taming the Variability of Browser’s Fingerprint (Maxime Huyghe, Clément Quinton and Walter Rudametkin) — Research track paper (short)