Doctoral Symposium

Doctoral Symposium Program Details

Session 1 – Keynote and Panel (9:00-10:30)

  • 09:00-09:05 — Welcome from ECSA and SPLC Doctoral Symposium chairs
  • 09:05-09:45 — Keynote by Rick Rabiser: How to complete your PhD and why
  • 09:45-10:30 — Panel: How to establish yourself within the research community

Session 2 – Student talks from ECSA (11:00-12:30)

  • Ruoyu Su: Technical Debt and Software Quality in Cloud-Native Applications
  • Faezeh Amou Najafabadi: Reference Architecture of MLOps Workflows
  • Neha Kaushik: Improving QoS of Microservices Architecture Using Machine Learning Techniques
  • Noman Ahmad: Evaluating the effect of Team ownership of Microservices: Strategies for Balancing Decoupling, Coordination, and System Cohesion

Session 3 – Student talks from SPLC (14:00-15:30)

  • Delfina Ramos-Vidal: Advancing Legacy Software Modernization through Software Product Line Engineering: A Case Study in Digital Libraries
  • Euler H. Marinho: Characterizing Resource Interaction Failures in Mobile Applications
  • Gullelala Jadoon: Preserving Non-Functional Requirements in Goal Models Using Meta-models of the Software Product Lines
  • Vidjinnangni Alphonse Ignace Azonhoumon: Design of a Meta-Factory for Product Lines Model-Driven Software

Session 4 – Ask Me Anything with senior researchers (16:00-17:30)