
Accepted workshops for SPLC 2024

International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (Re:Volution)

Organisers: Sebastian Krieter, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Roberto E. Lopez-Herrejon, Sandra Greiner

Abstract: Managing variability in configurable systems remains a challenging endeavor for multiple reasons. First, variability must be properly defined using domain knowledge and reusable software artifacts, often relying on extraction and refinement of legacy assets. Second, variability must be maintained during evolution in time (revisions) and space (variants). Recently, several research activities have focused on enabling the integrated management of evolution and variability. Existing approaches stem from multiple origins, notably software configuration management and product line engineering.

Re:Volution (the International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems) joins the motivations originating from REVE and VariVolution and aims to bring together active researchers eliciting software variability and studying its evolution from different angles and practitioners who encounter these phenomena in real-world applications and systems. The workshop offers a platform for exchanging novel ideas, case studies, and tools and fosters future research collaborations and synergies.


Seventh International Workshop on Languages for Modelling Variability (MODEVAR@SPLC 2024)

Organisers:Kevin Feichtinger, Jessie Galasso-Carbonnel

Abstract: More than 30 years ago feature models were invented. Nowadays they play a major role in Software Product Line engineering. Since then many different feature modelling variants and extensions have been developed. Although there have been several attempts to establish a standard approach (e.g., OVM, CVL, TVL,..) there is still no consensus on a simple feature modelling language. However, such a language would improve information sharing among researchers and tool developers. Thus, the seventh edition of the workshop follows the spirit of previous editions at SPLC (2019–2022) and at VaMoS (2020 and 2024), to develop a simple feature modelling language that the community can agree on. After questionnaires and discussions among participants of the past six editions, community members proposed the Universal Variability Language (UVL). During this full-day, interactive event all participants shall share knowledge and progress about how to improve and integrate the language to further increase its outreach.
